Thursday, August 30, 2007

Have you ever?

Have you ever...

Felt like reading, sleeping, dancing, going for a long long walk, an even longer drive and a really big hug all at the same time?

Watched a movie and felt like your life would never be the same again?

Listened to a song on repeat a hundred times...and for the hundred and first time and felt like you just climbed the stairway to heaven? So have you found your fate song yet?

Looked at a random stranger and imagined what his life must be like all in a flash?

Laughed so hard that you had to hold on to each other to not fall off?

Broken a heart? Had your heart broken? And again and again and again and again..?

Been healed by a child’s laughter?

Thought that the patterns of light on the dance floor at 4a.m in the morning were the most beautiful things ever?

Woken up not knowing where you were?

Tried to find out if a haunted house was truly haunted? And found a bedraggled beggar/stoner/sadhu rising from a trance and proclaiming “God is great” in perfect English?

Felt like dancing in the rain?

Tasted fear?

Deconstructed deconstruction?

Longed for the sounds of the waves crashing? And heard it in a glass of early morning cold coffee?

Taken a walk in the fog and breathed it in?

Danced on the table, the chair, the speakers...?!!!

Eaten chocolate chip ice-cream for breakfast?

Felt comfortably numb? Uncomfortably numb..?

Felt the joy of successfully solving a complex algebra equation?

Felt that a journey that lasted ten minutes stretched for an age in your mind?

Tried to hold on to a memory that dances away on restless feet?

Wished that the plane would take off as soon as it lands?

Laid on your backs with friends by a lake in the middle of the night and counted shooting stars?

Felt every feeling that you could ever feel to it's excruciating end so that there is nothing left to feel?


So have you lived? Then stay yet...


The Dragon Reborn said...

brillianto bella!! mucho profoundias!

Unknown said...

staying.... :)

Sublime said...

Ever wondered that the word contradiction is in itself a contradiction? ;)

Write on...thats all i can say!

Unknown said...

beautifully written....don't know why but it made me feel nostalgic.....and i hate that feeling....oh n mez staying :)

dreamer said...

hmmm... funny but i think i have done each and every ting on the list.. except the haunted house thingy... though have wanted to do that from a loong looong time...

TS said...

"Woken up not knowing where you were?"


I love this space already.

Madzy said...

Its amazing how you can touch the lives of so many people by just sharing your thoughts. And I am sure that you did that through this post. I like the way you think..its straight from the heart..the purest form ever!

Unknown said...

Reminds me of two words, nostalgia and deja vu.

P. said...

Hmmm.... Laughed so hard that... Woken up not knowing... Numb (be it comfortable or not so much)...

Like snatches of your "fate song" at certain moments, this one's making me actually taste nostalgia.

Brilliant stuff.

Unknown said...

"Shine on"

J' said...
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J' said...
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P said...

Your words have a *drift*

Loved it!!!

Cube said...

helaed by a child laughing. it works at least for me

Vyzz said...

beautiful person u gosh...ive felt most of it!! and wow..made me feel so much better..thank you!
